Academic Year 2022-2023

Current Programming

  • Incentives for TIDES instructors to develop data courses/modules
  • Undergraduate Grants
  • Collaboration on Data Workshops with H-TML
    • The library has a series of workshops, many of which deal with data, and we are co-funding this series and will also start offering additional workshops to bolster the series.
  • Collaboration with the Newcomb Institute on building “The Lab”
  • Graduate Student Grants
    • Dissertation research funding for 38 grad students

Introduction to Data (DATA 1010) and Other Courses

  • Now featured on Fall 2023 schedule 
  • Open to all students (any school, no prerequisites)
  • Satisfies “Formal Reasoning” core requirement

Professor of Practice Hiring

Staff Hiring

Academic Year 2023-2024 and Beyond

Planned Programming / Ideas

  • Develop programming to support instructors teaching data. Ideas include:
    • Small grants to develop course modules involving data, larger grants for entire courses focused on data.
    • Funding to hire teaching assistants.
    • Consulting services and “ready to go” data sets or modules to help instructors develop ideas and more easily integrate data into courses.
    • Working with the Center for Public Service to provide additional support and incentives to develop service learning courses or activities.
  • Develop programming to support students in data-focused courses. Ideas include:
    • Funding for instructors for TAs or peer mentors for their data-focused courses.
    • Drop-in peer tutoring center for students that need help with data, stats, or basic computer issues
    • A “help desk” for students – extending to faculty, staff, and graduate students in the future.
    • Providing additional support to honors theses that involve data collection/analysis.
  • Develop service learning courses. 
  • Create certificate, minor, and majors in data science, accessible and applicable to students in all fields of study.
  • Develop programing to support data science research. Ideas include:
    1. Additional funding to undergraduate and graduate students for student-led research.
    2. Funding for faculty for research that involves students.
    3. Seed funding for faculty preparing external grant proposals.
    4. Providing workshops and seminars on data science.
    5. Providing mentoring and support to faculty using data, such as peer mentors or a “help desk”.

For more information on our longer-term plans and our assessment of our programming and goals, please see the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP).