Graduate Summer Research Grants 

Submission Deadline: May 31, 2024

The Connolly Alexander Institute for Data Science (CAIDS) invites Tulane University PhD and other doctoral students to submit applications for Summer Grants of up to $2000. Please note: Applications that request funds for data collection or data acquisition (see eligibility criteria 4 below) are eligible to apply for up to $5000.

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To be eligible, applicants must:

  1. have advanced to doctoral candidacy, scheduled to defend their dissertation prospectus in Spring 2024, or have completed all coursework and begun research for their dissertation (or the equivalent) and
  2. focus on or use data in their dissertations (or the equivalent).

Preference will be given to applications that request funds for data collection or access (see eligibility criteria 4 below), undergraduate research support, or expenses related to working with community partners. 

CAIDS defines “data” broadly, including not only quantitative data but also qualitative data, such as data obtained from interviews.

Grant Focus

This funding cycle, CAIDS is only considering applications that have a focus on at least one of the following:

  1. Artificial Intelligence, which includes, but is not necessarily limited to:
    • theoretical and technical research into the methodology of AI;
    • applications of AI to research on socio-economic, community, or health questions; or,
    • data-driven research on the effects of AI.  
  2. Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  3. Community-engaged research, which includes, but is not necessarily limited to:
    • collaborative research with non-profit or community partners; or,
    • research with a clear application to community needs.
  4. Applications that request funding to overcome a financial barrier to working with data, which includes, but is not necessarily limited to:
    • funds for data collection (e.g., fieldwork, surveys);
    • funds for data purchase or access;
    • funds for travel to access restricted data (e.g., Census RDC) or data sources stored in special collections or archives; 
    • funds for software licenses (for software not provided by Tulane), server access or computing cluster fees, or funds for equipment used in data collection that are not otherwise available; or, 
    • that otherwise demonstrate that there is a similar financial barrier facing the research project.
  5. Research that provides proof-of-concept, preliminary, or pilot results that will be used to apply for an external grant.  


How to Apply  

Applicants must submit their applications by May 31, 2024, using the CAIDS Summer Graduate Grant Application Form.

Application Materials

  1. Proposal & Budget
  2. Current Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)
  3. Unofficial Transcript (download from Gibson Online)
  4. IRB Approval/Exemption or Statement Regarding Human Subjects
  5. (Optional) Letters of Recommendation: A letter of recommendation from the applicant’s advisor, dissertation director, dissertation committee member, or other faculty mentor is optional.  Letter writers should send letters directly to Meg Keenan at by the application deadline, May 31, 2024. Applicants should give their letter writers enough time to compose their letters. We strongly suggest applicants request their letters at the start of the application process.

Post-Award Progress Report

Grant recipients must submit a progress report to Meg Keenan at by October 31, 2024. The report should include a brief but informative summary of the progress made on the dissertation or equivalent project over the summer. Recipients who do not submit a progress report by this deadline will not be eligible for CAIDS Graduate Grants in the future.