
CAIDS events include a speaker series and on-campus exhibitions, to raise awareness about the growing role that data plays in shaping our environment. These speakers will also explore the many moral and ethical questions surrounding the collection, use, and ownership of personal data.  Beyond a speaker series, the highlight of CAIDS’ public programming will be the annual celebration of Data Week. Data Week will feature a keynote lecture and hands-on workshops, along with poster sessions and other kinds of presentations by students and faculty to highlight both curricular and scientific innovations and achievements.

Hacking Your Mind: Weapons of Influence

Film Screening and DiscussionHacking Your Mind: Weapons of Destruction  

Tuesday, October 24, 5 to 7 pm Refreshments Served,  7 pm

Stone Auditorium, Woldenberg Art Center 

Co-sponsored with Tulane University Libraries and Tulane University Center Community-Engaged Artificial Intelligence  (TU: CEAI)

Joining the discussion are :  

  • Dr. Caryn Bell,  Assistant Professor, Department of Social, Behavioral, and Population Science & TU:CEAI Faculty
  • Dr. Jacquelyne Thoni Howard, Professor of Practice,  Connolly Alexander Institute of Data Science
  • Dr. Aron Culotta, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Director of TU: CEAI
  • Dr. Nicholas Mattei, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & TU:CEAI Faculty
AI Lecture Flyer

Lecture: What Artificial Intelligence Means for Diversity in Recruitment and Beyond

Please join us for lecture by Mallory Avery on Monday, September 18, at 2 p.m. in Rogers Memorial Chapel.

Dr. Avery is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Science of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging with the Economics Department of Monash University.  She received her Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Pittsburgh and her B.S. in Economics and Psychology from Tulane University. Her research and teaching interests include Labor and Health economics with a focus on Diversity and Inclusion. 

In her work, Dr. Avery uses observational data and lab, field, and online experiments. Her current research agenda is focused on understanding the role of AI, remote work, affirmative action, and other gender-based labor policies on women’s labor market outcomes and on the effects of mental health and substance abuse legislation on mortality.